God has placed in our heart the burden for writing a book. “The 7 greatest Wonders of God’s Love”. This book has been in the making for more than five years. The book has a very interesting beginning which is outlined in its Preface.
The two main objectives of this book are (1) to point people to the high and exalted ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary on their behalf. This subject on the Mediation of Christ is dealt with in detail in chapter 6. The second objective, (2) is to help them prepare for His imminent second coming.
“Do not judge a book by its cover”, the saying goes. This book is the exception, we believe. The cover of the book tells the story. Displayed on the cover are the Ark of the Covenant, where Jesus ministers in the heavenly sanctuary. Also displayed is the Honeycomb Motif, a seven cell representation of the honeycomb. This motif encapsulates the entire ministry of Jesus from His birth to His second coming. The entire plan of salvation is reflected in this motif. The book gives a fascinating account of the honeybee, and its amazing, heaven-driven skills in designing the honeycomb, and the sweetness inside. No wonder the Psalmist David says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
In His earthly ministry Jesus used many object lessons from nature to emphasize His heaven-sent messages. Similarly, we tried to emulate our Savior’s method by extracting a natural phenomenon to make the point. Wherever His audience saw those things in nature they remembered Jesus’s teachings. We also hope that wherever the readers see the honeybee and the honeycomb or the hexagon shape, they will think of “The 7 Greatest Wonders of God’s Love”.